First and foremost, our special thanks and the lion's share of the credit for the content on this site must go to Sue Medley who wrote the best, most accurate, and most complete Yserbius Walkthrough in 1994 and 1995. Sue wrote this text as part of her disk-based computer gamers' magazine called SynTax Adventure Magazine and as part of eight separate issues (Issues 32 - 39).
Sue also drew an equally impressive series of maps which were entered into the computer by Alex Van Kaam. These maps were also published in the same eight issues of SynTax Adventure Magazine as mentioned above.
Over time, technologies inevitably change. And so, the maps that Alex Van Kaam painstakingly entered using Code Page 437 now appear as garbage characters when viewed in Windows or on a webpage.
The remedy for this situation requires the use of a special font. And so, many thanks to Zeh Fernando who created Perfect DOS VGA 437 font which allows us to view these maps in Windows as they were truly meant to be viewed.
And, to prevent the need for users to install special fonts, PDF files of all maps were created using Perfect DOS VGA 437 font and Nitro PrimoPDF free software.
Also, the free navigation icons used on these webpages were downloaded from Find Icons.
The only content on this site not written by Sue Medley is
Just FYI, The Shadow of Yserbius is an early Graphical MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) that is often regarded as the forerunner of the modern MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). For this reason alone, special thanks must be extended to Joe Ybarra and Ybarra Productions, for designing this ground-breaking game in the first place, and to Ken Williams and TSN (The Sierra Network) and INN (ImagiNation Network), for realizing the full potential of Joe Ybarra's incredibly insightful vision.
We also want to send out great big thank yous to all of the hard-working folks at the INN Revival project, and to Slohand, the Overlord of Yserbius.Org, for keeping the dream alive, and for keeping the volcano from going dormant.
Again, many thanks to all of the above for their help with this web project.