Level 11 Home Map

Levels 11 & 12 - Island Of Eternity & The Unknown

Island Of Eternity

Carry the Flexsword from now on! You arrive in the Island Of Eternity from River's End at L12 and fight Elementals in each of the four small rooms. Start with the fight at K10 and, after you win, walk through the west wall to another dimension - Level 12: The Unknown. There are continuous hard fights here on each square and you'll find some rare treasure but will probably, like me, be too weighed down with keys and gems to pick any of it up! Arriving at the end you press a Timeswitch and can walk through the north (outside) wall to return to the Island Of Eternity, H9.

Do the same after the fights at F10 and K7, fighting your way through and setting a Timeswitch again in each case. In The Unknown, always turn 90 degrees to the right to face (and then walk into) an outside wall after setting each Timeswitch. This will transport you back to the Island Of Eternity.

En-Li-Kil and his cronies are at G8 but he vanishes, leaving you to fight the Elementals, including the Wind Elemental. Luckily he can be controlled. Once you complete the fight past them at F7, walk east through the wall to enter the end game.

En-Li-Kil taunts you as you arrive. Don't leave the pathway until you meet him face to face or you will need to retrace your steps. This is why you must do this section last. Do it too soon and there is no escape. But if the three switches are set, you can cross the water over a platform which will have appeared at E7. You cross the Waters of Death safely. En-Li-Kil stands guard at the other side, protecting the Fountain of Life. This was the goal Arnakkian Slowfoot sought. At G7 you meet En-Li-Kil himself with his entourage of Tyrans, King Goblins and Werebears. He tells you that your arrival frees him from his long imprisonment between two worlds. You will fail, he says, as Arnakkian did. Then he will search out and destroy all mortals in your world. Strangely, I killed him with one blow - mind you, it WAS worth a mighty 10110 damage!

At H7, you reach the Fountain of Life. The Rainbow Gems and Golden Boat dissolve in the golden water. You have defeated the Time Elemental En-Li-Kil. You have won the game of life and death. You are now a HERO OF YSERBIUS. Return to your home safely now. Soon you will be able to leave the volcano Yserbius and begin a new life of adventure. Farewell ... this ending is just the beginning.

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