Level 2 Home Map

Level 2 - Basement


This area is reached by stair from the Hall Of Doors - taking you to the main, central corridor. A fountain at K7 will heal you ... once.

One NPC tells you there's more to this basement than meets the eye; he wants to know the secret of what lies behind the thick walls of this corridor. Another tells of a marble block near here with the name Arnakkian Slowfoot, wizard to the King. Others tell of a race of elf-like creatures deep in the dungeon and that you must work with races you would normally ignore to succeed (I think this refers to the on-line game). One says to the east of the Rune Room on Level 3 is the Wizard's Challenge, quite a challenge it is too, though he found several short cuts to it.

Three doors lead off the south side of the corridor but there isn't much here apart from a room behind a locked door at D14 (use a yellow lockpick or better). King Hobgoblins and Hobgoblins at A14 are tough - use a sovereign scroll.

Yes, there are three secret areas around the corridor. One southern area can only be dropped into via trapdoors from the Treasury. A one-way door leads back to the corridor at E4.

A teleport from the Hall Of Doors will land you in another at P15. From here, make your way to P8 where another teleport will take you across the north end of the corridor to the left side of the area. There's a complicated series of stairs and one-way walls starting at I1. These will take you to the Soldier's Quarters and back down - twice - to allow you to reach two more areas down this side.

There are some lucrative fights at N5 and O5 and, finally, a teleport to the Great Corridor, Level 3, at A1.

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